Meet the Cast!

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Jeremy O'Dell

Jeremy fell in love with The Beagles, a robotic quartet of dogs singing Beatles' tunes when he was 4 years old during a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's. Since that day, he just couldn't get enough and spent much of his time studying The Beatles and their music. In fact, Ringo Starr was his idol and he began playing drums at the age of 6, a talent that he practiced until he graduated from highschool. Tired of the drums and looking for something new, he taught himself to play the guitar. It was then that his facination with The Beatles and his love of the Rickenbacker 325 enabled him to pay tribute as John Lennon in Because.



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Jeremy Dawson

A self-taught multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, Jeremy has toured the United States in various projects over the years, performing a wide variety of music, from bluegrass to punk rock, but his true roots are in the music of The Beatles. Shortly after learning the piano at age 21, Jeremy began his tenure with the group as a keyboard player in 2007. These days he relishes in his new role as lead guitarist and sharing the magic of John, Paul, George and Ringo with fellow Beatlemaniacs.



Aaron Welch

Aaron has been playing music since age 13, when he got his first electric guitar.  He has consistently studied music and played in bands since then, spanning many different genres.  Aaron received  a Bachelor's degree in jazz guitar from San Diego State University, and if such a thing existed, he would definitely be a candidate for a degree in rock and roll.  Aaron regards the Beatles as one of the greatest bands of all time and has a lot of fun learning the tunes through Ringo's eyes.  Although guitar has always been his main thing, he has also learned to play many other instruments, eventually landing on the drums, which have strengthened his love for playing and become his primary focus.  Aaron's goal with Mania is to provide the most entertaining tribute possible, while having a great time providing a way for fans old and new to experience the Beatles. 

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Aaron Linkin

Mania! searched far and wide before discovering Mr. Aaron Linkin. After countless auditions seeking the right combination of raw talent, personal charm, and vocal prowess, the boys of Mania! were thrilled with Aaron's unique ability to perform Paul Mcartney's challenging bass and vocal parts from day one. Coupled with his skills at the piano and natural stage presence, Arron Linkin provides the thumping groove of The Beatles music while exuding an effortless charisma that is matched only by Sir Paul himself.